I found this blog on another site.  I was shocked when I I learned what has been hidden for so long, and what so few know.


You may be wondering ” how does this writer know what this lie is”? You may think, “does this person beleive he is so intellignet that he knows what the super majority of the world does not know”?

I do not consider myself special, or better than anyone else. I am one individual who will dig and serach until I find an answer. I have a hunger and thirst to know the Truth.

The Lie I am speaking of is so pervasive that Billion of people in the World believe it with all their heart. The are firmly convinced that they are absolutely right.

The symbol John saw is literally hidden in plain site as THE symbol for Jesus Christ in paintings, on mosaics that adorn cathedrals, on stain glass murals, on buildings and inscriptions the world over.

In many paintings, Jesus Christ is depicted as making the same cryptic hand gestures as seen below. This hand gesture is literally the symbol of the anti-Christ that John saw in Revelation… XS (depicted as XC as the Sigma was transliterated as a C in the middle ages).

We see in the images above that Jesus’ right hand forms an X by crossing his first two fingers and he forms the C for Sigma by curving his last two fingers making the C shape. This is the hand gesture of the False Messiah as he identifies himself in plain site making the XS symbol with his hands, the very symbol John used in Revelation 13…

In Eastern Christianity, the most widely used Christogram is a four-letter abbreviation, ΙϹΧϹ — a traditional abbreviation of the Greek words for “Jesus Christ” “ΙΗϹΟΥϹ ΧΡΙϹΤΟϹ” with the lunate sigma “Ϲ” common in medieval Greek which we today transliterate as an S. On icons, this Christogram may be split: “ΙϹ” on the left of the image and “ΧϹ” on the right, most often with a sideways S above the letters to indicating that it is a sacred name. Jesus Christ’s right hand is shown in a pose that represents the letters Χ, and Ϲ.


If one does not learn the lesson of 9/11, then one is on a very wrong path.  The lesson of 9/11 is one of the most important lessons you will ever learn.  Get ready to hear what you have never before:


Can you imagine what it would be like to hear your teachers and classmate cheering for your destruction?  Can you comprehend how far a human can sink to allow this kind of action to take place?



GLASER: When we were walking towards the trains we had to… na ulica Kolejowa, this is Train Street. We had to pass the school, Swietego Konarskiego. School, my beloved school. My street where I was born. And I said to myself, “I am so happy that I am going to see once more my school.” But how surprised I was. It was a very beautiful day, fall day. And all the windows were opened and we, the doomed, were walking, and the children and the teachers were leaning out. Not just… I mean, rows of people in the back. They were leaning over one another, applauding, “We are getting rid of the Jews!” And I cried, and I said, “Never again, Tarnów. I never come here.”



During the Holocaust there were people who spoke up, and there were others who just stood by .  The World has not changed, and your decision will be whether  you will speak up in the face of atrocity, or whether you will just stand by.




Giovanni Palatucci, chief of police in Fiume, Italy (today: Rijeka, Croatia), used his position to save the lives of as many as 5,000 Jews.

After the Germans occupied Italy in 1943, Palatucci ordered that police registries for Jews be destroyed. He tipped off Jews and political dissidents pursued by the Germans and helped many to go into hiding. The SS became suspicious of Palatucci and arrested him. Deported to the Dachau concentration camp on October 22, 1944, Palatucci died there on February 10,1945.

Credit: US Holocaust Memorial Museum, courtesy of Dr. Goffredo Raimo



Teachers have such an important responsibility to the students they teach.  Most of the teachers during the Holocaust were agents of the German killing machine, and poisoned  young minds with Antisemitism .  The following teacher was a shining light among the darkened world of teachers during that time period.



Belgian schoolteacher Jeanne Damon with some of the 2,000 Jewish children she placed with families who took the risk to help them.

Credit: US Holocaust Memorial Museum, gift of Jeanne Daman Scaglione


Coveting is breaking the Tenth Commandment.  You will read how neighbors coveted the property of Jewish people.  There would have been no Holocaust had Gentiles not coveted the property of Jewish people.



PRUDNIKOVA: Many Lithuanians, who lived poorly—they did not have something to live on—served at Jewish homes. They brought water for them because during the Sabbath, they could not bring water themselves, you know, they didn’t work at all then, so Lithuanians had to do the work. People would go, you know, women mostly. Men worked at Jewish bakeries. Well, Jews were compassionate people.INTERVIEWER: Have you ever worked for the Jews?
PRUDNIKOVA: I did serve for a short time. I went to take care of a small child, but then I was told—I was very young, and had a very red and full face and everything, you know. I was told that Jews cut you and take your blood, put you in a basement, in a vat with nails that stab you—so I left everything, because I was afraid that I would be stabbed. [Laughs]
INTERVIEWER: You believed that?
PRUDNIKOVA: Yeah, well, you know. I was young and believed it. I know that they say that that Jews can’t live without Christian blood, that during their holidays they had to have at least a drop of that blood to taste, or something like that. Well, when the Germans arrived, the Jews sensed that something bad would happen to them, you know. So the shops and everything else were looted, you know, the Lithuanians took everything away. The headman, this Vincas Ambrasas, took everything, did this, you know. And the Lithuanians were taking everything home. I did as well, but my brother told me to return it, you know.
INTERVIEWER: What did you take?
PRUDNIKOVA: Some fabric, shoes and the like, you know. The shoes were not of the same pair, so my brother told me to return them. So I went and returned them.
INTERVIEWER: Where did you take them from?
PRUDNIKOVA: From a store.
PRUDNIKOVA: From Jewish stores, from a Jewish store. When I arrived, everything was looted. All the stores were. And the Jews had no right to anything anymore.
INTERVIEWER: So the Jews lived at their homes.
PRUDNIKOVA: Yes, and all of those people who had guns, surrounded their homes, took them from their homes, and led them to the square, where they were made to stand in lines. Everyone was taken there.
INTERVIEWER: Well, which of the “white stripers” from Pilviškiai did you see leading the Jews?
PRUDNIKOVA: Well, there were not only “white stripers” there. Some were simply going because they were promised some belongings, you know. They were given houses, apartments, homes—and they lived there. A man named Pijušas Buraga lived in one, also Petras Strimaitis, Norkevičius, Janulaitis, also Besusparis [Besasparis] lived off Jewish property, and so did Baltūsis.
INTERVIEWER: Were many Jewish possessions brought here?
PRUDNIKOVA: Oh, there was an auction, and people were buying—tearing apart, elbowing each other, you know.
INTERVIEWER: Did you see the auction?
PRUDNIKOVA: Yeah, they were throwing things out of the window. People were grabbing whatever they could lay their hands on. Jesus, what was going on here. Lipkė’s restaurant was loaded with those clothes that had been brought with horses. Oh my Jesus, what was going on, it was horrible.
INTERVIEWER: So the auction took place next to Lipkė’s restaurant?
PRUDNIKOVA: Yeah, yes. And in other places they were throwing bedding, pillows, blankets, all kinds of bed linens out of the windows, you see. They were throwing things out of the windows, and people were grabbing them. People had come from surrounding villages. Well, they were all the same people who had participated in the massacre. They were the ones who were throwing, all of them. They kept the more valuable things for themselves, such as furniture, you know, and they went on to live in [Jewish homes].
INTERVIEWER: So when you would come to visit them, you would see the Jewish furniture standing there, right?
PRUDNIKOVA: Well, I came over, and I knew that they had nothing. They were beggars, you see. And then the wife of Kazlovas donned an astrakhan coat! How much did it cost, where could they have gotten it, the coat that Kazlovas’s wife was wearing? Just think about it! I’m telling you, there was a pile of shoes, so I took a pair, but they noticed and came after and took them away from me.
INTERVIEWER: Who came after you?
PRUDNIKOVA: Kazlovas’s mother-in-law. Kazlovas was my cousin.
INTERVIEWER: And where was that pile of shoes located?
PRUDNIKOVA: It was in the hallway, the hallway. There was a big hallway as you entered, the size of half of this room. I went to visit them, and as I was leaving, I took a pair of dark red suede shoes. Well, she looked around and noticed that they were gone after I had left, so she ran after me and took them away.
INTERVIEWER: So what did she say when she took them away?
PRUDNIKOVA: She said, “Give it back! You took ours.” I responded, “They aren’t yours. They belong to the Jews.”
INTERVIEWER: And what did she say?
PRUDNIKOVA: I gave them back. She said nothing.
INTERVIEWER: Well, but the Jews—they must have had all kind of golden rings.
PRUDNIKOVA: Well yeah, they did have. They probably were searched at the spot because they were forced to undress until they were naked there, you see. Some of them, the richer ones, were undressed naked and their teeth were extracted too. Even I bought one tooth, because I needed an implant.
INTERVIEWER: You bought a tooth?
INTERVIEWER: Oh, so one could buy a tooth?
PRUDNIKOVA: Yes, a gold one. I don’t know how much I paid, but not much. When the Russians came, I bought the tooth form a woman named Mrs. Didžiūnas.
INTERVIEWER: And where is that tooth now?
PRUDNIKOVA: Here. [Points to a gold tooth in her mouth


The “Church” has a pathetic history with the Jewish People.  It is especially horrendous when you consider that the original followers of Jesus were all Jewish and the Gentiles among them worshiped along with the Jews.  The following is a transcript from a Video in the Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C:



BECKER: One of the things that also happened in the… after we had to wear the yellow star, the Vatican courier, I guess, made an arrangement with the Nazis, the Hungarian Nazi government, that if a Jew converted then they would wear a different color — I think it was either white or yellow, or just white — armband and they would be basically exempt from the curfew or from the deportation, from the taking them to labor camps or labor brigades. And our superintendent’s son, who was a priest in Rome, came back to the apartment house and was trying to convert the Jews. His name was Kuhn. K-U-H-N, I believe. And my mother and I went, took a few lessons, learned the catechism, and after awhile I refused to go back. And I remember I had this sense of abandoning one’s religion under duress and that that was not right, at age fifteen. Not being a Jew, I don’t know where that came from, but that was my feeling. It’s interesting it also lead to another… during the Korean War, that kind of a feeling surfaced once again when I was drafted. But the priest ultimately became known as the “hanging priest of Budapest.” And I think the museum has a picture of him with a pistol on his cassock. He went around the streets shooting Jews and he was hung shortly after the liberation. But it was kind of a dichotomy that he’s trying to convert but his hatred was such that he would shoot those who didn’t.