This is an excellent article:



If you love Elohim (known to many as “God”) and claim to be serving or united with Him, you must live as Emmanu’El HaMashiyach lived.. He lived by the observance of the Torah (known as the poor title of “Mosaic Law”)..

“A person who claims to be continuing in union with Him (Y’shua HaMashiyach) ought to conduct his life the way He did.” 1 John 2:6 (CJB)

“Those who say they live in God should live their lives as Jesus did.” 1 John 2:6 (NLT)

LIVE AS HE DID….Think about it… He lived by the Torah- SINLESS, because SIN IS transgression of the Torah (1 John 3:4) so He HAD TO live out the Torah to be sin-less!… This is a fact :)
Emmanu’El HaMashiyach (Yeshua/Yahusha the Messiah – known to most English speakers as “Jesus”) observed 7th day Shabbat (NOT SUNDAY), kept the Scriptural Feasts (Pesach, etc NOT “EASTER”).. He wore tzitziyot – not wwjd bracelets (Matthew 9:18-26, Matthew 14:36) and he followed the Torah perfectly (2 Corinthians 5:21, 1 Peter 2:22). He rebuked the hypocritical P’rushim (Pharisees) but much of what “Yeshua taught agreed with the ethical teachings of sages of His day (eg; Hillel on loving your neighbor, Shammai on divorce and centrality of the Shema” – (quote).. This wasn’t Yeshua claiming ALL P’rushim (Pharisees) were bad teachers, but the hypocritical ones are a problem, MUCH LIKE TODAY! Pastors, ministers, reverends, priests -OR WHATEVER TITLE- who lie, cheat, steal and commit adultery are no better than the P’rushim Yeshua rebuked!..

Problem with Pharisees? Matthew 23:3 makes it very clear, to do what the Pharisees teach, but NOT WHAT THEY DO; they were hypocrites! Still He said tho, DO WHAT THEY TELL YOU! They tell you Torah from the “seat of Moshe” (Moses).. DO THE TORAH but not what they do because they do not do the Torah! lol

YESHUA, the Messiah, Emmanu’El HaMashiyach followed Torah, observed it, born under it (Gal 4:4), HE IS THE LIVING WORD because the Word became flesh… The “written Word” is the Torah, the LIVING Word is the Torah in Flesh- YESHUA..

BTW the 7 Scriptural Feasts–
1. Passover/Pesach
2. Unleavened Bread
3. Firstfruits/Grain Harvest
4. Weeks/Shavuot
5. Yom Teruah (Trumpets)/Rosh Hashana
6. Day of Atonement/Yom Kippur September
7. Tabernacles/Sukkot

Shalom Shalom Chaverim Tovim